[이예인(졸업예정자)] 경희대학교 우수학위논문 수상
우리 학과 김낙우 교수님 연구실 소속 졸업 예정자인 이예인 학생이 2024학년도 후기 우수학위논문 심사에서 자연과학계열 최우수상을 수상하였습니다.
우수학위논문상은 인문사회, 자연과학, 의학, 공학, 예체능 계열로 나뉘어 각 계열별로 최우수 및 우수상을 선정하며 계열별 최우수학위논문 수상자는 2024년 08월 21일 10:30에 평화의 전당에서 수상을 진행하였습니다.
학생 여러분과 교수님들의 격려와 축하 부탁드립니다.
하단은 학위 논문의 제목과 초록입니다.
Holography and Black Holes in Singular Geometries
Abstract: Numerous research efforts have been conducted since studying the holography principle as a novel approach to understanding quantum gravity. Recently, spaces with exotic singularities have gained attention. These are known as spindles or half-spindles, which contain conical singularities locally. This thesis aims to highlight the holography and black hole solutions associated with these exotic orbifold spaces.
The first part of the thesis focuses on the half-spindle space embedded in the various supergravity solutions and explains how to construct the half-spindle holography. The half-spindle solutions in lower-dimensional supergravity contain conical and curvature singularity. These singularities are realized as branes in the uplifted solutions. We examine the AdS5 solutions in the 11d supergravity that include a half-spindle space fibered over a four-sphere as internal space. The solutions form holographic pairs with Argyres-Douglas type of class S theories. These 4d N=2 dual field theories can be obtained through class S construction by wrapping M5-branes on a sphere containing an irregular puncture. We check the half-spindle holography by comparing physical observables.
The second part of the thesis extends this half-spindle holography. We include orbifold projections on the internal space in the half-spindle solutions. The orbifolding is realized as various types of twist lines with more general gauge groups in dual field theories. Also, the Argyres-Douglas theories can make a family along the Higgs branch via nilpotent Higgsing by introducing outer-automorphism twists. An arbitrary fixed point along the nilpotent Higgsed RG flow possesses its dual gravity solution. We examine more general holographic dictionaries, utilizing the anomaly inflow method.
The third part of the thesis explains the consistent truncations on the exotic orbifold spaces, spindles and half-spindles. Through it, We can also consider higher-dimensional orbifold solutions where the two spindle or half-spindle factors are directly producted or fibered over each other. We show the various orbifold solutions by constructing the consistent truncation from 6d or 7d gauged supergravity to 4d or 5d minimal gauged supergravity. It is anticipated to construct lower-dimensional dual field theories in the spindle or half-spindle holography.
The fourth part of the thesis deals with the black hole solutions with spindle horizon and the spindle holography. The strength of spindle holography is that there are full black hole solutions with spindle horizons, explicitly accelerating black holes in 4d. Accelerating black holes have cosmic strings extending from the horizon to infinity, making conical singularities on the horizon and causing difficulties in defining the thermodynamic quantities. To solve these issues we employ the covariant phase space formalism giving well-defined conserved charges, and clarify the thermodynamic laws.